News 2022
HKKC 279-280th All Breed Championship Shows (Oct 2022)
Date:23 & 24 Oct 2022
Time : 10:00am - 6:00pm
Venue : The Pulse
Judge : Ms Pauline Chan / Ms Sit Hei Ting (Hong Kong)
We shows Eevee and Theo (co-owned with my dear friend Elsa Choi) again these two days.
She was awarded back to back Bitch CCs, Best of Breeds, Res Best in Group and Best Local Bred in SHOW again!!
On the other hand, Theo finished his championship title with 4th Male CCs.
He is Eclipse's 23rd Champion!! Well done Theo with his co-owner & also his handler Elsa.

HKKC 277-278th All Breed Championship Shows (Oct 2022)
Date:15 & 16 Oct 2022
Time : 10:00am - 6:00pm
Venue : The Mills
Judge : Mr Ivan Ng / Mr Gary Ho (Hong Kong)
We shows Eevee and Theo (co-owned with my dear friend Elsa Choi) these two days.
This is Eevee "Ch Eclipse Iridescence's come back show after having two litters.
She was awarded back to back Bitch CCs, Best of Breeds, Res Best in Group and Best Local Bred in SHOW!!
Well done Eevee, she is another homebred girl that won Best Local Bred in Show.
This is also Theo's debut show, he is handled by his co-owner.
"Shine Ever de roi France" Theo was awarded back to back Male CCs.
Way to go THEO!!

HKKC 273-276th All Breed Championship Shows (Sep 2022)
Date:23 & 24 Sep 2022
Time : 10:00am - 6:00pm
Venue : Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Judge : Mr Eric Li / Mr Kenneth Ng / Mr Law Wai Chuen / Mr Lai Kam Wai (Hong Kong)
We showed Patricia & Ella on both show day
It's funny that the result were totally opposite on two days.
On Saturday, "Patricia" Eclipse Extra Extravaganza was awarded back to back Open Bitch Class #1, Bitch CCs and Best of Breeds. She finished her championship title with a Res. Best in Toy Group. Way to go Pat!!
On the other hand, our girl "Ella" Ch Eclipse Opalescence was awarded back to back Best Local Breed in Class and Best Local Bred in Toy Group!!
Thanks so much our friend Suki for handling Patricia for us. You're such a good handler!
Patricia is our 22nd Champions.
On Sunday, "Patricia" Eclipse Extra Extravaganza was awards back to back Open Bitch Class #1.
but our "Ella" Ch Eclipse Opalescence did an amazing performance today!
She was awarded back to back Bred Local Bred in Class, Bitch CCs, Best of Breeds, Res. Best in Toy Group, Best Local Bred in Groups and Best Local Bred in SHOWs! OMG!
We're so happy with all the show results.

HKKC 269-272nd All Breed Championship Shows (June 2022)
Date:25 & 26 June 2022
Time : 10:00am - 6:00pm
Venue : Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Judge : Mr Li Kwok Wai / Mr Fafa Chan / Mr Patrick Ying / Mr Johnnie Lau (Hong Kong)
We showed Clyde & Ella on Saturday and Clyde & Patricia on Sunday.
AKC Ch Zelosia Boulevard "Clyde" was awarded two Male CCs on his debut day.
He is such a beautiful boy with super good temperament. One more CC to go Clyde!
Thank you our friend Carmen Pai for handing Clyde for us.
And our homebred girl Eclipse Opalescence "Ella" was awarded two Bitch CCs on Saturday.
On the other hand, she also won Best Local Bred in Toy Group. Local bred Award is so meaningful to us.
She has such an amazing showmanship even tho I didn't train her at all.
It's official that Ella is our 20th Champion.
Thank you our friends Suki and Gillian for taking photos and videos for us.
It's our another Homebred girl Eclipse Extravaganza "Patricia" debut shows on Sunday.
She did an amazing job that not only got two Bitch CCs and also two Best Local Bred in Toy Group.
And our Clyde did it again with Male CC and finished his championship title.
Clyde is our 21th Champion.